As soon as you've found a deck that you like or entered some cards into it, you're ready to study.
On the study screen, there are three columns. The 'New' column indicates how many new cards are ready for learning that day. The second column shows the number of cards currently in progress. In the third column, you can see how many cards need to be reviewed.
Click show answer button.
The three rating buttons are here, now let Nischi know how you feel about this card.
We can reduce the study interval in the deck settings.
The study view only show minimal information about the card. If you need to see the more details, you can click dictionary icon button in the right cornor.
While we studying cards, the progress bar will increase.
Once you complete studying all the cards for today, then you will see this congratulations message. Once your study limit is over, you can't able to study the same day
See, you have due in 4 days for BBC News deck. Which means, the cards that you studied will be shown in 4 days. But, you can continue studying next set of cards tomorrow.