TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere -- celebrating locally-driven ideas ...
Citizen Science: The New Movement For The Planet | Suhel Quader | TEDxJSSMC
Your Words Fuel AI and Our Future | Joshua Berry | TEDxOmaha
6 Things CEO Need To Do In This Age of AI | Paul Baier | TEDxBoston
How mobile clinics could boost preventative care in America | Nancy Oriol | TEDxBoston
The Power of Connecting to Your Culture | Nevada Ropotar | TEDxKelowna Youth
Are We Losing The Art Of Real Communication | Haleem Ahmad | TEDxDPSD Youth
“Breaking Bonds and Barriers“ | Oneda Castillo | TEDxLagunaBlancaSchool
Sports as Springboard For Success | Emma Mo | TEDxOldSconaAcademic