TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere -- celebrating locally-driven ideas ...
To fix the climate in time, we need good research and good returns | Desirée Plata | TEDxBoston
Decarbonizing resource recovery for a circular economy | Duhan Zhang | TEDxBoston
Why chasing happiness is nuts: What to do instead | Lenorë Lambert | TEDxBillings
5 key habits for longer healthspans | Dr. Tom Perls | TEDxBoston
Winning the 100-year war against heart disease | Dr. Daniel Levy | TEDxBoston
How Korean adoptees struggle to find belonging | Dr. SunAh Laybourne | TEDxMemphis
Why Failing Made Me a Leader in Sustainability | Nina Benoit | TEDxCoolhaven Women
Some Scars are Beautiful | Kiran Jeevan | TEDxFMMC